Take charge of your health through the power of nutrition.
Stay with me, and let me show you how!
My name is Ana Bueno. I am wholeheartedly dedicated to wholistic nutrition. From that love, BuenoSeeds Nutrition was born, and it has been changing lives since 2017.
Before you dive into my work, it's essential to understand the significance of "Wholistic" on this website. It embodies a comprehensive approach that centers on the entirety of an individual, encompassing their current situation, environment, habits, actions, and thoughts. This distinction is integral to grasping the essence of my approach, which differs from "holistic." Now, let's keep going!
My credentials in plant-based nutrition from eCornell and the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies and in Plant-based Culinary Arts from Chef Matthew Kenney's PlantLab, combined with my experience helping numerous individuals restore health by guiding them to make balanced food choices and cultivate healthy eating habits through the principles of anti-inflammatory nutrition, can now serve you.
Buenoseeds Nutrition is for you when your top priority is your health.
You want to improve longevity, mobility, and energy, prevent or manage a chronic health condition, balance hormone levels, shed excess weight, normalize bowel movements, have better sleep, feel less stressed, and age gracefully overall.
Health is Wealth, and Food Is Medicine.
My role as a nutritionist is to provide you with all the necessary information on a detailed protocol for your journey toward optimal health, facilitating your life while we work together so you can learn how to carry on. All you need to do is commit to your journey and follow your personalized curated protocol.
Let's work together to create a nutrition plan that aligns with your objectives and helps you achieve your goals.

Buenoseeds is a concept, an approach that recognizes that everyone is unique and that diet plans, while they work for some, cannot work for all.
Buenoseeds provides tailored support and services to individuals, families, or businesses team health service to coach nutrition, delivering wellness and nutritional confidence to change lives and improve health.
A collection of thousands of recipes, this is not a cooking blog. BuenoSeeds Nutrition Concept is to help you transition towards an anti-inflammatory and regenerative food habit with efficient tools to guide you on what is best to eat to prevent and fight daily inflammation and how to do it.
"Her recipes strike a balance between delicious food that satiates our senses while nourishing us thoroughly..."
Sandra Aguiar Astrology and Holistic Life Coaching